Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Busy Baby Nursing Cover

If you are like me and are not going to be comfortable exposing your boobs in public, then you will need to purchase some type of nursing cover. There are a number of different styles available but I really like the simple cover from Busy Baby. Unlike some of the other covers, the Busy Baby Wrap does not have loud prints that draw attention to you. Instead it is understated and almost fashionable. It is available in 6 different colors so you can coordinate with your outfits or you can just buy one in natural and that will work with everything. I do recommend having two so that if one gets dirty you won't have to do laundry right away.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Here's a product that I really wish I had known about during the first couple of months. During that time breastfeeding is your full-time job, sometimes feeding your child every hour. The frequency of the feedings coupled with sleep deprivation, makes it hard to remember when you fed last and from what side.

I can't tell you how many times I told my husband we should invent something that reminded a mom what breast she should be feeding from next. I would often lift up my shirt and ask him which breast looked fuller in order to determine which side to feed from next. The inventor of MilkBands was faced with the same problem and came up with a product to solve it.

MilkBands provide a mother with the information she need about her child's feeding all on one wrist. By simply turning the band inside out a mother identifies which breast to feed from next. MilkBands also has a tracking device on the side that a mother can use to identify when the baby last ate or when she should be eating next.

Medela Quick Clean Wipes

Now that I am back at work I have even less time for my own interests, such as writing this blog. Consequently my posts may be even shorter.

One product that has become essential for me is the Medela Quick Clean Wipes. Pumping at work is stressful. Not only do you have to find the time to do it, but in my case I am stuck pumping in the ladies room. I find it awkward and embarrassing.

The Medela wipes allow me to make a quick exit once I am done. No water or soap needed. You just wipe everything up and then pack it away for the next session. They are pricey but I find them to be well worth it.

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