Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Mini Social - Online Sample Sale for Babies and Kids

I love Gilt Group and Hautelook, online sample sale sites where you can get designer goods on the cheap. I was excited to discover that a similar site existed for designer baby and kids clothes and toys.

I have been receiving daily sale emails from The Mini Social for almost six months now and it is the one email from a company that I open every day. Once I see the designer/brand on sale for that day I almost always click through to look through the collection and see what items my daughter just has to have. ;)

Now if you are anything like me, you cannot stomach paying $75 dollars for a t-shirt for a baby. But mark that well designed t-shirt down to $20 and I won't hesitate to snap it up. I have purchased brands like Dwell Baby, Tea Collection, and HaPe toys for well below retail prices. The shipping does take at least a week and a half so don't buy something you need immediately, but I have been very pleased with every item I purchased.

Gazillion Bubbles

Bubbles are a pretty simple toy right? Must be hard to screw them up. Wrong!

I went through a few different types of bubble products this summer before I picked up Gazillion Bubbles and I will never buy another brand. Gazillion Bubbles is true to the name. With one dip into the jar you get a seemingly endless set up bubbles. My toddler was even able to blow a few bubbles even though she can't resist licking the wand.

So what was wrong with the other bubble products I tried? They didn't blow bubbles. Honestly.

On the first sunny day I brought my daughter to Target and picked up the Mega Bubble Kit from Fisher Price. While I turned around 2 hours later and brought it right back to the store to return it. I did feel a bit foolish returning bubbles with the excuse "it didn't work." But it was true, I went through half a jar frantically waving those wands around and got one measly bubble.

The other bubbles I tried this summer before discovering Gazillion Bubbles was a product from Nick Jr. My daughter loves Dora, what 2-4 year old doesn't and the packaging seemed clever. I guess clever is where companies can go wrong with bubbles. First the no-spill container was hard for my daughter as well as myself to operate. I could have excused that but once again, it was nearly impossible to make the thing actually blow bubbles.

So I guess when buying bubble stuff, simple is better but I won't even try another brand anymore now that I have found Gazillion Bubbles.

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