If you own a regular food processor, a stand or hand-held blender then you absolutely do not need a baby food processor. And if you don't own any of the above, then buy a blender. In two months time your baby will be moving on to finger foods and you can use it to make margaritas. Baby food specific processors are a waste of money and will quickly end up in the back of your cupboard collecting dust.
Don't even think of buying one of those gigantic plastic animal themed faucet covers. All they will do is attract your kid's attention which is exactly what you don't want. Fortunately I found the KidCo Bath Spout Cover before I was able to purchase a hard plastic frog cover. My daughter takes a bath every night and has never once gone near the faucet. It isn't shiny and doesn't look like a toy so she could care less about it. Perfect!
As a first time mom I had no idea what baby items were absolutely necessary and what items would end up being frivolous. This is a guide of those items I have tested and found to be must haves as well as those that you can live without.